Grain free spiced squash loaf-cake

Ok, you may be wondering what a “loaf-cake” is, well, it’s what I’ve created here as it looks like a loaf but is softer and mildly sweet so tastes a bit like a cake, therefore, loaf-cake! 😃

Grain free spiced squash loaf-cake Breakfast Desserts Grainfree Lunch snack

For this recipe I’ve used a mix of fat reduced almond and coconut flour meaning it is grain free.
To get the best results, i.e. a thick, slightly sticky texture, try to use a concentrated fruit puree like this one. It was very thick in consistency but this provides the stickiness, if you can’t find anything like this then I’ve also successfully used 1 apple, boiled for 10mins then pureed or some honey/jam. I like Meridian’s jams as they don’t have any refined sugar and are sweetened solely by fruit, you can find these in Holland & Barrett or big supermarkets.

Grain free spiced squash loaf-cake Breakfast Desserts Grainfree Lunch snack A concentrated fruit puree gives the best results

Grain free spiced squash loaf-cake Breakfast Desserts Grainfree Lunch snack And here’s a pic of the baby loaf cake I made just for funsies!

-235g squash/pumpkin
-95g almond butter
-1 tspn cinnamon
-1 tspn ground ginger
-1/4 tspn nutmeg
-1/4 tspn baking soda
-60g fruit puree/jam or 1 apple chopped
-3 medium eggs
-45g of fat reduced almond or coconut flour

Grain free spiced squash loaf-cake Breakfast Desserts Grainfree Lunch snack  Good sweetener option or on top of the loaf-cake with some nut butter

Grain free spiced squash loaf-cake Breakfast Desserts Grainfree Lunch snack

Grain free spiced squash loaf-cake Breakfast Desserts Grainfree Lunch snack Low carb grain free paleo spiced squash loaf cake

This recipe has been one of my favourites recently, it’s great for a quick snack, just slice a bit off and munch away, it’s good on its own or with some jam/berries etc.
1) Preheat the oven to 150C
2) Chop and weigh out the squash, then add this along with the eggs, nut butter and fruit puree/jam/apple to a food processor and blend until smooth
3) Scrap the mix out into a bowl and stir in the spices, baking soda and coconut/almond flour
4) Add the mix into a small lined bread/loaf tin and bake in the oven for 35mins then leave to cool before slicing